Thursday, September 22, 2011

Herreshoff: How Do You Say The Name?

Tomato or Tomato (two-mate-toe) or (ta-ma-ta) - think Hakuna Matada - are two ways to say the same thing, yet when it comes to one of the great boat builders of American boat building, the attention to the pronunciation of the Herreshoff name is one that raises eyebrows.

When I am asked what kind of boat I own, I often reply, "I have a Herreshoff Cat Ketch 33," mindful to clearly articulate "Hair is Off." It is often upon such response that I receive the courteous correction from my inquirer. "Oh, you have a Her is Shove, nice boat."

Rather than debate the erroneous correction, I note the fact that the inquisitor is aware of the name in general and the respectability of the brand, and after all, I also pronounced the Herreshoff name incorrectly upon my first reading of the name. I can still hear the sound from my mouth as I think back to the beginning, "harschof," and very pirate like sound when saying it quickly - - without any movement of the lips of course.

My research of the Herreshoff family business, led me to discover a story by Halsey Herreshoff regarding the correct sounding of his name.

Halsey's late uncle, Clarence Herreshoff, corrected others of the sounding of his name. Say Herreshoff.

I'll still say "Hair is Off" when asked about my boat, and will absorb the polite inaccurate corrections from others. If given the opportunity, I'll share Clarence's guidance. I owe that respect to those who contributed to the advancement of sailing and nautical adventures.

So what's in a name? and what's in the way it is said?

I raise my eyebrows and speak: Ah, that's all thars to sayee bou it.