Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Herreshoff CKY Link Added

A new link has been added to the resource link section of this blog.

The material at the link are the original promotional material of all the Herreshoff Cat Ketch boats made by the Cat Ketch Yacht (CKC) Corporation except the Herreshoff Cat Ketch 33.
Not sure why the 33 promotional material does not exist. Based on my research, I have been given the impression that the 33 was custom made during the later year of the business of CKC. Moreover, CKC changed its name to Cat Ketch Yachts (CKY) when the business relocated from Florida to Texas.

There were 100 31' Cat Ketch boats produced, and 5 33' made. The location of hull 2 is in Texas, hull 4 and 5 are in Florida, and hull 3, which is the one I own, in New York. The owners of the four CK 33' do not know where hull number 1 is located. Hull number 5 is in pristine condition, hull 2 and hull 3 good condition undergoing improvement, and hull 4 needs much tending.