As for myself, I prefer to keep my gel coat skills sharp, and by taking on such a huge project, I was able to practice on outside corners, inside corners, and u shaped drainage areas located under the cock pit locker lids.
I have seen other professionals who perform gel coat work, and the really good ones are rare to find. My project was a simple white color, so I didn't have to fuss with color and flakes.
The green tint is not the color of the gel coat; it is white. I am a purist when it comes to gel coat work, so there is no wax or other additives. Strictly pure gel coat with hardener and sealed to make it air tight for the cure to occur -- nice play on words here.
The bulkhead looks much better as well. The top part of this area had a very thin layer of original gel coat, I was able to notice very slightly the resin under the gel coat, but no longer is that the case. You may note the bottle of ice tea waiting for me on the cockpit seat.