I have placed a few photos below for your enjoyment and let you be the judge.
Side Note: No anti skid has been applied to the seats yet as I have to decide the color. During the sailing time or lounging about in the cockpit I placed Custom Covers over the seats. These covers (cushions) are closed cell foam and blue.
The blue cover protects the Garmin GMI display. It will also be replaced with a new cover.
Note the condition of the wheel, binnacle, and compass. I also replaced the throttle and gear shift cables. The cockpit shower has been installed yet because I want to make the cover for the box prior to installing the new shower faucets.
The new Smart Plug adds a nice touch of class and safety.
Note ---> The view upon walking along the slip to the cockpit. A very inviting and clean look. The work really shows a level of professional skill by a large measure.