The booms are fiber glass and contain inner blocks in areas where strength is needed, such as at the end of the boom where the lines connect to the boom.
The booms are half wishbone design and easy to manage. Interestingly, I have been asked by others why my booms are broken --most likely bent from stresses placed upon the sails-- I typically use their inquiry to explain that the bent (curve) shape is part of the design of the boom.
The curve in the half-wishbone boom is designed to allow for the sail to be shaped in lite winds for more power. The booms do not fasten to the sail's bottom because the sails are "loose-footed" sails. Rather than a traditional triangle sail shape, the cat ketch sails are "half a diamond" shape.
Overtime, the booms had shown scratches, dents, worn areas, and cracks. The booms are removed from the mast and installed on the mast once a year as part of the end of the season and start of the season practice.
It was time to sand the old paint, body work, and then paint the booms. The picture toward the right displays the curve shape in the boom, and the result of sanding, body work, and painting.
I started the work on the mizzen boom first because it was the shorter of the two booms -- the main boom is approximately 15' in length. The mizzen boom had to be sanded first, then body work applied, followed by more sanding, and sandin and check and check again. -- repeat process.
The picture toward the left of mizzen boom before body work. The boom had to have all the hardware removed and the old paint. I removed the paint using a file board sander with 80 grit paper.
There was a stress crack on the end of the mizzen boom that needed attention.
I used PreKote and Brightside paint with a flattening agent of 2:1. Having very shiny objects up on the deck spar does put a bit a strain on the eyes.
Sanding the boom between first coat of primer and second coat was 120; between primer and first coat of topcoat was 220; between first coat of topcoat and second coat was 400.
The main boom took a little bit longer to do but I also was working on improving my skills for body work. The topcoat paint did leave some orange peel look but the 400 sandpaper was the tool to remove the peel.
The removal of the hardware took an hour and the installation of the hardward took the same amount of time. The hardware that held the lazy jack lines to the boom were replaced. They were nickel plated bronze, and the bronze looked ugly, and difficult to keep clean.
I polished the goose-neck hardware, and ensured that all screw holes into the boom had a dab of white silicon.
The legs of my spot light is also shown in the picture. When spraying white on white (paint on primer) it is very important to have good lighting. One needs to be able to see areas sprayed (too thin or too thick).
I was pleased with the results, I only had one area that developed a run at the end of the boom. This was remedied after the paint cured a bit, then sanding, and then spray again on second coat.
The results of the approximate 25 hours of work is shown in the first picture above of this blog.