Sunday, June 20, 2021

Main Mast Work Part 1


Part 1 of the mast work performed on the main mast: filling, and high build primer.

I have displayed a few pictures showing the work performed on the main mast.

Main Mast voids
I sanded the old paint and primer off the main mast. The paint was thin and the mast had a few dings in it. I also wanted to inspect the mast under the paint and primer. I noticed small voids and areas where the original fairing compound was cracking or just coming out.

I used a die on my drill to get the voids shaped better for new filler and I it was easier to remove the old material.
Main Mast voids
<-- In this picture it is easy to see the small holes along the edge of the original filler. Out it comes so new material can be added.
Main Mast Voids
<-- Look at the many colors of original material used for the mast. All this was under the white old paint.
Mast with Awlfare
Here in this picture the primer 545 has been sprayed and that allowed me to see where I needed to add more Awlfair product as shown in the red color. -->
Awlfare on Main mast

Another example of how the fiberglass underneath is shown as ripples in some areas. This Awlfair will help and the High Build primer will also help to smooth out the area. -->

High Build Orange Peel
<-- The surface of the High Build left an orange peel texture and that made it very easy to see the areas I needed to sand smooth in order the the primer 545 to go on. The High Build did a great job of filling in the areas where fiberglass texture was bleeding through, more pinholes, and other imperfections. I had a difficult time acquiring the High Build on account the distribution of the product was hampered as well as a fire at the plant that makes the product. I purchased the High Build from a place in Florida that had one one gallon in stock and I ordered the converter for the High Build from a place in Rhode Island.

High Build
<-- Here is the mast with the orange peel sanded off and the mast smoothed out. It only needs a wipe down before spraying the 545 primer.